KacsaKő Közösségépítő Egyesület

Education and Community Development

The Association started as an informal group of young people and it was formed in Budapest in 2018 when they started a project called Kacsakő Experience Camp. The Association includes psychologists, sociologists, sport coaches, and intercultural educators of disadvantaged children, therefore they are organizing activities with an inclusive approach. They provide opportunities for children with different socio-economic backgrounds to meet and gain shared experiences. They contribute to the development of their social and emotional skills and help them become more tolerant and open to different points of views, while they support them to form a diverse and inclusive community.

Mission: The Association believes that inclusive sports and experience programs contribute to reducing children’s prejudices and enable them to assert their interests.

Impact: Empowering disadvantaged and vulnerable groups

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  • Community development
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • education
  • Working with disadvantaged groups