MIA bags handcraftedMIA bags handcrafted is a women-led initiative that tends to empower women and promote sustainability, while inspiring positive change among its customers and the broader community.
SERECThrough supporting the development of social entrepreneurship in Peja, SEREC’s social goal is the growth of employment opportunities for marginalized groups, with a particular focus on empowering women and youth.
Teshavesha 1Teshavesha 1 is a charity shop founded by Action for Mothers and Children that operates with the main goal of raising funds to support the programs of AMC, which are focused in saving and improving women's, mothers, children and babies health in Kosovo.
Teshavesha 2Teshavesha 2 is the second charity shop founded by Action for Mothers and Children that operates with the main goal of raising funds to support the programs of AMC, which are focused in saving and improving women's, mothers, children and babies health in Kosovo. The shop receives clothing donations form the citizens and clothing companies free of charge, which are then sold at symbolic prices.