In Vivo

Helps employment and social entrepreneurship

“In Vivo” is an association of citizens for social and economic development who works towards creating dignified socio-economic conditions and adequate inclusion in the spheres of social life for all inhabitants, as a base for appropriate promotion of European and traditional values ​​of the Republic of North Macedonia.

Social Impact:

-improving the conditions for learning, working and living in our country, with a special focus on people with fewer opportunities

– creation and support of initiatives for further improvement of living, learning and working conditions in the Republic of North Macedonia.


– Development of several models of social entrepreneurship, in which marginalized groups of inhabitants would be engaged. Special focus would be on homeless people with need of post-imprisonment assistance and support
– Implementation of non-formal education activities for all inhabitants that need adequate (pre/up) qualification for professions required on the local labor market
– Cooperation and networking with other non-governmental organizations, social enterprises and socially responsible traditional businesses from the country and abroad, in order to promote the Republic of North Macedonia as a tourist and business destination

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Boulevard Vidoe Smilevski Bato 83/4
Skopje 1000 SK MK
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  • Awarness building
  • culture
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • employment
  • social entrepreneurship