
organic production, environment, climate change, biodiversity (protection, education)

“Biovita” is an association of organic food producers whose main focus is on organic production, protection of the environment and education on these topics, as well as climate change and biodiversity. They also include social components such as: social inclusion and employment of people wtih disabilities, activities to prevent eviction and revitalization of rural areas and activities for gender equality in the local and rural organizing.

Mission: – to encourage people to еat seasonal, eat local, eat organic – to support local farms and bussinesses

Impact: – social inclusion and employment of persons with disabilities – By purchasing their products, you support social services: Living with support for people with disabilities, Help and care in the home for people with disabilities, Center for social inclusion of persons with disabilities


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Kavadarci Municipality of Kavadarci MK
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  • biodiversity
  • climate change
  • education
  • Environment
  • healthy food
  • Sustainable consumption
  • Sustainable production