“Лице в лице” – “Lice v lice”

sustainable development, universal values, social justice, the principles of equality, the role of individual and collective responsibility

“Lice v Lice” is a magazine for sustainable development (social enterprise for work integration) that has been published since September 2012. The magazine performs a dual role – it empowers vulnerable fellow citizens, but also raises public awareness of issues that concern us all – sustainable development, social inclusion, demarginalization of groups and individuals, education, environmental awareness, cultural development, activism in the arts and in culture, social responsibility, volunteerism, which are also part of the topics that are the focus of the magazine.

Mission: – empowering vulnerable citizens -raising awareness on burning issues that concern everyone -allows resocialization through social contact and integration through development programs and fieldwork, thus preparing them for the open labor market

Impact: – Sellers of the magazine are representatives from the most vulnerable groups in society, who are trained in sales by a team on the “Face to Face” platform.
– Half of the amount of the magazine is direct earnings for the seller (if you buy the magazine directly from a seller in the field or through his web store), or is invested in inclusive programs to support sellers in building skills and their inclusion in the open labor market. The remaining half is invested in creating new content, printing the magazine, developing the platform for sustainable development.

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  • Community development
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • equality
  • Individual and collective responsibility
  • Justice and strong institutions
  • Social justice
  • Sustainable development
  • Universal values